Church revitalization starts the first Sunday a new pastor begins preaching. It is God’s preached word which revives a dead or dying church. But, oftentimes the seeds planted in faithful preaching take much longer to blossom than pastors anticipate. Two forms of hard soil which challenge the implanted word are: hostility and apathy.
In their book, Snarls and Scowls: Preaching Through Hostility, Apathy, and Adversity in Church Revitalization, Brian Croft and James Carroll speak from years of pastoral experience, sharing their wisdom accrued through tears, scars, as they patiently sowed the seed of the word in hard places.
Hear testimony of God’s grace in softening hearts through his word and Spirit, and learn practical principles that will equip you to endure and faithfully preach in the face of hostility, apathy, and adversity.
Intrigued yet? We hope to see you Thursday October 28th for this Roundtable discussion. Join Senior Fellow Brian Croft and guest James Carroll for a conversation on preaching in hard places from 11:30 am-1:00pm on Thursday October 28th, 2021.
Lunch and a Free copy of Snarls and Scowls: Preaching Through Hostility, Apathy, and Adversity in Church Revitalization will be provided for the first 50 in attendance!
Heritage Hall is located directly above the cafeteria in Honeycutt Campus Center (Building 14 on campus map:
Please fill out the RSVP form below to help us better coordinate the set-up and seating in Heritage Hall.